I have never really thought about going “green” this idea of trying to save the planet seemed very awkward. I even remember after reading Dr. Smith’s blog that stated, “It’s not easy being Green” I asked him what does this statement mean, and he looked at me quite strange saying you don’t know what being green means? And to get even funnier I asked him who is Kermit the frog? though the picture looked cute as you have a frog sitting on a tree playing the instrument-(I don’t know what), and then Dr. smith tells me you don’t know who Kermit is and I say the usual “NO”, and he says it’s Kermit from Sesame Street and I laughed since I felt this may have been the cause for banishing the television. Well a little joke there! I think I had enough so I will begin my paper. http://treehugger.com is a website that you can use to go green in so many different ways like how to green your furniture, sex life, water, electricity, wardrobe and many more. Well to begin greening your sex life it says that you should shower together so to save water, instead of using light you can use candles, and instead of using plastic sex toy use a metal one( I don’t know that’s what they are saying.)To Green your water you can use tap water than bottle water because studies have shown that it is a lot healthier since government regulates it unlike bottle water that is a scam in first world countries and it is not even pure. I love drinking bottle water instead of tap. I think tap water is pretty disgusting, but who knows maybe this is something I can take upon myself. Do not flush drugs inside your toilet or pour chemicals down your drain because it might come back to you in diluted water. Ease up on the meat says the website you use up 4,000 gallons of water per day unlike a vegetarian who only uses 300 gallon per day. You save a lot of water by not eating a pound of beef than not showering a whole year. Four million children less than five die each year due to water- born diseases. Many of these children do not have cleaned water near their homes and they share, bath, and drink their water with their live stock. United church of Canada started a campaign to control the spread of bottle water. Matt Damon who is an actor set up H2OAfrica after he saw that Africa’s water crises at its worst. We should also consider were we live and having the land to support us without any artificial means like in Arizona people cannot live their without an air conditioner and that is wasting the energy of this earth. What I can take to take upon myself to become a better GREENER is to not waste paper and if I don’t need it I will find use for it instead of dumping in the trash, and will try to use the computer to do my writing. I will try to use a towel so I don’t have to use napkins. I will pay my bills electronically so as not to waste paper. I will buy a filter for my water at home so I can use tap water instead of these bottle waters. I also will shot of any lights in the room that no one is using at the moment. In my home I have artificial plants instead of the real ones in the pots because this way I save a lot of water and plus my homes looks a lot nicer in artificial than the real plants. I will also buy a glass bottle to fill up water instead of using plastic.
I'm glad you decided to post the "greener sex-life" thing =]. I'm also glad you typed a few sentences about vegetarianism and the environment, that was pretty great!
anytime girl!!!!!!
hey! this post is in green, I hadn't notice that before...pretty cool girl!
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