Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The word Gnosticism comes from the Greek word meaning knowledge, and “Gnosis refers to knowledge of the second kind’’ (Wikipedia, 12). Which means it’s an experience that someone had with the divine and therefore was able to receive a certain amount of knowledge. “This knowledge, to those who were capable of it, was the means of redemption” (Wikipedia, 13). In the matrix Morpheus tells Neo if he takes the red pill he will have the knowledge to know everything that there is about the matrix. Manichaeism conceives darkness and light and they both have a conflict and the light is entrapped in the darkness and “at the end of which the kingdom of light will prevail over darkness’’ (Wikipedia, 4) this refers to the allegory of the cave in which the sun in the end will show the prisoners true reality and that they have been blinded by the darkness which are the shadows. The kingdom of light refers to Neo who will win over the evil matrix which refers here to darkness. “Ptahil, the god of darkness who had a hand in creating and henceforward rules the material realm” (page4). This refers to the agents who created the machines and were ruling over the humans this refers to the material realm. In the allegory of the cave the prisoners were chained in one place and could not move their limbs and all they can see where the shadows which is the darkness that made the entire cave dark ,and therefore they knew nothing of reality only to name the shadows of puppets which they saw, so too like it says that the material world is intoxicated by the powers of darkness “ to keep elements of the light trapped inside it, or literally to keep them in the dark , or ignorant; in a state of drunken distraction”(page4). The matrix were all about being hidden and not knowing the truth and the reality of the real world, therefore Neo since he is the one has the power to eliminate the matrix and bring back Zion which is a world where people know the truth like it says her that the Aeons “encounters the ignorance of the world of lack and interacts to rectify the error of ignorance in the world of materiality” (page 11). “Gnosticism holds that world is controlled by the evil archons” so too by the matrix the gate keepers were the matrix at first who were controlling the humanistic world, and by the allegory of the cave the puppets were controlling the cave, but to the eyes of the prisoners they were shadows in order to deprive them from the truth. This article was very interesting in the way that these sprits some are good and some are evil and all have different intentions for this world. At first I did not understand it but as I continued reading on it became clear to me what Gnosticism was all about and how it came to being and what it is now in our modern times.


Dino said...

Great read, but could you please throw in some spaces next time.

The pink and the wall of text hurts my eyes. :(

siren said...

hey there ur blog was well written and i liked how u made all of the comparisons between the allegory and the matrix.

Zinaida's-blog. said...

thanks Nicole! i appreciate that.

Brandon said...

I must admit, I didn't take the opportunity to read about the distinct figures of Gnosticism that you referred to in your post. That said, I appreciated your interpretation of the article. I hope you take pride in the amount of research that you conducted in the course of writing your entry, because the associations you made seemed quite appropriate to me.

Zinaida's-blog. said...
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Zinaida's-blog. said...


(((Hema))) said...

I don't know why but your blog just made me think of Fight Club and how it can be related to Gnosticism by Tyler saying that, "The things you own, they end up owning you." The whole movie was based on the escape of material possessions...

OH I KNOW WHAT IT WAS! All the pink reminded me of the soap lol.

Nice blog btw.